Richard Fariña, whose sister-in-law Joan Baez had some good things to say about Hope, had a great book title, Been down so long it all looks like up to me. I also benefited, early on, learning that optimism is based on facts (not a lot of room for optimism these days,) while hope is a question of belief. And belief can take all kinds of forms, in a higher power, or in the transcendent, but also just in better days. Your critical analysis, Ms. AMC, has always helped to give me hope.

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Thank you for this. It was much needed as the search for glimmers of hope has been hard to come by. And it’s so true that just getting through can be enough some days. And books and music and cats and dogs and friends and fresh air and sunshine….

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Ann Marie shares her deepest darkness in a way that helps others, too. Not an easy thing to do.

PS: 52 yo? No way. More like 32!

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Thank you for this.

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